Case study
Manor Green School

The project works consisted of refurbishment and upgrades to an existing 1200m2 “Rollalong” pre-fabricated building, to change the use from an NHS residency to a school classroom. Separation from NHS retained areas required structural alterations to achieve the preferred layout with classrooms.

Project details

Contract | Manor Green School
Contract Dates | July 2015 to February 2016
Contract Value | £1m
Client | Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead
Principal Designer | Architype


Manor Green School
Elizabeth Hawkes Way

What we did

New mechanical and electrical services, with Mechanical ventilation & Heat Recovery plant in the roof space. New wall, ceiling & floor finishes where required to achieve appropriate finishes and acoustic environments for the School.

Manor Green School is a day special school catering for over 200 students aged 2-19, with a wide range of special educational needs. Within the same building is also an NHS run Centre providing respite care to children with complex health need & learning difficulties.

The project works were arranged to commence during the Summer holiday period when demolition & structural alterations were undertaken so as to have no effect on the residents, students, staff and visitors.

The remainder of the work was undertaken within strict security restraints, maintaining essential services to all operational areas throughout. Very close daily liaison with the Schools Facilities & Operations teams were the key to the overall success of the project.