Case study
MG Car Club

The works compromised off a new two storey extension to match the existing building forming a new office space upstairs and new showroom facilities and archive store downstairs.

Project details

Contract | MG Car Club, Kimber House
Contract Dates | October 2015 to March 2016
Contract Value | £156k
Client | MG Car Club
Principal Designer | Kingsway Design
M&E Consultant | Kingsway Design


MG Car Club
Kimber House
12 Cemetery Road
OX14 1AS

What we did

The new extension, now known as the Bill Willis Wing will house a bespoke archive for the Club, with state-of-the-art storage facilities for the Club’s priceless collection of production records, photographs and artefacts. The extension included, strip foundations with a poured concrete slab, new brickwork walls to the existing roof level.

The roof being a traditional hand cut timber roof with slate tiles and lead valleys to keep it in line with the 19th centaury architecture as per the existing house. Internally, new fire doors were installed along with both suspended and plasterboard ceilings.

New UPVC windows were installed and a new set of bi-fold doors to create access for vehicles into the showroom. From the existing building, electrical and mechanical modifications was undertaken to supply the new extension with services.

New floor finishes and decoration works was installed as per the MG Car Clubs specification. A bespoke moveable shelving system was also fitted into the archive store.