Case study
Carnival Pool & Fitness Centre

The project consisted of specialist structural remedial works to the existing pools under-croft during the Centre’s pool maintenance period.

Project details

Contract | Carnival Pool Remedial Works
Contract Dates | May 2018 to June 2018
Contract Value | £125k
Client | Wokingham Borough Council
Structural Engineer | KRP Consulting Engineers


Carnival Pool & Fitness Centre
Wellington Road
RG40 2AF

What we did

Works included carrying out specialist structural propping including design to the undercoft of the existing pool as the concrete to the walls were badly corroded and breaking away.

This particular project needed a full site-specific Health & Safety system developed due to the works being undertaken in an extremely humid confined space environment which required specialist training by an independent Health & Safety advisor who helped to develop a permit system for the works including air monitoring, escape routes and hatches, hydration breaks and radio system for constant communication. We had our own trained permit co-ordinator controlling access in and out of the undercroft.

The physical works involved temporary propping the pool areas, carefully removing the defective concrete and repairing with a specified repair system as advised by the structural engineer. Once the concrete repairs had been completed bespoke galvanised props were installed, suitable for the highly corrosive environment. These were fabricated off site and installed in-situ as the temporary propping system was removed.

All of this work was successfully carried out in a live leisure complex with minimal disturbance to the client.