Case study
Lowfield Road

The development, on the site of a former mobile home, consists of seven timber clad blocks of four units, two storeys high, a children’s play area, car parking and bike sheds.

Project details

Contract | Lowfield Road Development Project
Contract Dates | April 2017 to February 2018
Contract Value | £1.9m
Client | Reading Borough Council
Designer | Reading Borough Council
Modular Design | Space Projects Ltd


37-91 Lowfield Road

What we did

The project comprised the provision of 28 temporary housing units to provide accommodation for homeless families in the Reading area.

Each housing unit contains two bedrooms, shower room, kitchen and open plan lounge area. Each individual unit was manufactured by Space Projects UK Ltd based in Hull with overall dimensions of 14m x 4m. The units were arranged in seven blocks of four with staircase access to units on the upper levels.

Infrastructure works included the provision of new electrical and water supplies together with foul and surface water drainage systems. External provision of perimeter fencing together with roads, footpaths and paved amenity areas. The Local Authority Parks and Leisure team undertook landscaping and installation of play park equipment.

The transportation and placement of the units required extensive logistical planning with the involvement of specialist haulier and convoy vehicles in association with local authority and police assistance.

Press release

Counciler John Ennis, Reading’s Lead councillor for Housing said “I am really pleased to see the first units arriving at Lowfield Road and look forward to welcoming families to the site in the new year. These units will reduce the number of families requiring emergency accommodation being placed in bed and breakfasts and provide them with a comfortable and well-equipped temporary home.

The Lowfield Road scheme is one of a number of projects the Council is implementing to tackle the housing crisis in Reading. More information about the Lowfield Road development can be found at the Reading Chronicle and BBC.

(See Readings Lead Councillor for Housing John Ennis with
Construction Manager Steve Manstone of Morris & Blunt Ltd.)

Dated 15th November 2017